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Didn't find what you were looking for?

No problem. We have many diverse job opportunities that will suit you too! This way, we make sure you always really work wherever you want to work.

Getting started at Azor Uitzendbureau


Apply the way you like

Apply in your own way. Via your mobile, send an e-mail, or via an application form. However you apply, we will contact you as soon as possible.


Get to know

Following your application, we will process your application. Whether or not you fit a vacancy, we are happy to get to know you in a way that suits you.


Interview with employer

After the introduction, we will introduce you to the employer. If they are enthusiastic, we will invite you to meet your new employer for the time ahead.

"This work really made me feel successful!"

- First and last name, working through Azor

Vraag over deze vacature of in het algemeen?

Als je een vraag hebt over deze vacature raden we je aan om contact op te nemen met de recruiter. Deze kan je direct helpen bij die vraag, mocht je een andere vraag hebben kan je die uiteraard ook stellen!

Question about this vacancy or in general?

If you have a question about this vacancy, we advise you to contact the recruiter. He or she can help you directly with that question; if you have another question, you can of course ask that too!